On this week’s episode, Maria chats with trial lawyer Stefano Portigliatti. They speak about attending the members only AAJ conference in Ponte Vedra, using his behavioral studies background during trial, identifying jury personality types, being a present dad, and we hear the story about the time Maria was right.

Get in touch with Stefano at https://www.cokerlaw.com/

Guest Stefano Portigliatti (@sportigliatti on Instagram) is a trial attorney specializing in commercial motor vehicle cases at Coker Law. He is one of only 20 attorneys in the United States to pass a rigorous exam on trucking laws, an intensive background check and prove that his practice is dedicated to protecting victims of truck crashes.

Host Maria Monroy (@marialawrank on Instagram) is the Co-founder and President of LawRank, a leading SEO company for law firms since 2013. She has a knack for breaking down complex topics to make them more easily accessible and started Tip the Scales to share her knowledge with listeners like you.


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