Lawyer Advertising Rules: The Complete Guide

Whether you’re just starting a business or working to grow an established firm, advertising is a central pillar of a strong marketing strategy. Advertising can help you bring in new ...

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What Is the Best Legal Font?

There’s a lot that goes into writing legal documents - doing the research into your subject matter, drafting the document, and checking it to make sure it’s accurate. One step ...

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Best Practices for Law Firm Management

When you go to law school, the entire curriculum focuses on teaching you how to be a lawyer. Unfortunately, this leaves out a very important skill set for many lawyers: ...

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Top Legal Conferences in 2024

With the holidays coming up, many of us are looking forward to the following year. You may be planning out your schedule and beginning to consider which conferences you’ll go ...

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Top Law Blogs to Follow

Part of being a lawyer is constantly learning and growing. In addition to your CLE credits, you may want to keep up with some legal blogs. These can help you ...

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How Many Hours Do Lawyers Work?

It’s pretty common knowledge that law is one of the most demanding professions. Law school is a trial on its own, and once you graduate and get into the workforce, ...

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Google’s March 2024 Core Algorithm Update

Recently, Google announced that they would be updating their core algorithm that they use to rank results for web searches. Although this is a routine update, it has many site ...

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5 Simple Steps to Know if Your SEO is Working

Not sure if you're SEO efforts are paying off? Below are some of the key metrics you need to look at to determine whether your attorney SEO campaign is working. ...

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Best Legal Practice Management Software

Seeing growth in your law firm can be tremendously exciting. After all, you’ve worked hard to bring in new clients and gain brand recognition. But what happens when all those ...

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Best Practices for Social Media for Lawyers

Social media is a highly effective marketing tool that allows you to connect with new potential clients. Through your social media content, you can develop a wider following and ensure ...

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The Lawyer’s Complete Guide to the Client Intake Process

If you’ve been practicing law for very long at all, the word “intake” may give you an instant headache. Intake can be incredibly complicated to manage, and you may feel ...

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The Top Legal Symbol Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know

How much of your day would you estimate is devoted to drafting legal documents? This process can be time-consuming and tedious, and one of the most tedious parts may be ...

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Best Books for Lawyers to Read

As we move into 2024, one of your resolutions may be to read more books. Making time for reading can keep your brain active, make you more empathetic, and help ...

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Average Personal Injury Lead Cost

One of the most difficult parts of starting or growing a law firm is bringing in new leads. There are about 60,000 personal injury law firms in the United States, ...

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The 9 Best Case Management Software For Law Firms in 2024

Law firms can sometimes be endlessly chaotic. Lawyers, paralegals, and staff members must organize, analyze, and manage every aspect of multiple cases. They must track and monitor: Deadlines, Statutes of ...

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